Innovation Group Channel
The Future is Finally Here

The Innovation Group Channel Story
Translations from English to Spanish and vice-versa of cases, videos and important events. With a unique, sincere and down-to-earth style, we make use of free expression to give opinions, reflections, or analysis of controversial issues in science and technology. The mission of the Innovation Group Channel is to use information through modern technology to put aside speculation, eradicate lies and thus give rise to the truth.

Translations from English to Spanish of topics and cases considered by many to be highly "Sensitive" topics. With a unique and True Crime style, our channel follows the incredible case of Naason Joaquin Garcia, considered by fanatics in Mexico as the "Apostle of Jesus Christ on Earth." Supported by an innumerable amount of documents and an impeccable interaction with lawyers directly involved in this case, we bring controversial Podcasts and Interviews.  With an objective and down to earth style, we also cover other legal and conspiracy cases.
Previous Podcasts

Disfrase de "Marinerita" para Bailarle al Apostol, EN SERIO!
Streamed live on Dec 22, 2023
Youtube Link
Caso Naason: La Demanda de Las Jane Does PART 3
Streamed live on Dec 14, 2023
Youtube Link
Caso Naason: La Demanda de Las Jane Does PART 2Streamed live on Nov 29, 2023
Youtube Link
Caso Naason: TEMA LIBRE + Muchos mas Videos de Naason?
Streamed live on Nov 8, 2023Youtube Link

Caso Naason: Alondra Ocampo habrira la caja de Pandora

Streamed live on Oct 28, 2023Youtube Link